
Where is the Book ?

The App

librARi is an Augmented Reality Application, which is designed to eliminate the Dewey Decimal System which required the students to understand why books are numbered and how to find the numbers on the shelves, in order to use the library effectively

The application allows anyone to access any specific book, just the way they have been naturally habituated to search for anything on the website. The augmented reality platform allows to use phones or any such device which supports AR and simply tells the user where a specific book is located in the library.

The Problem

Students at the National Insititute of Design are struggling to find the books in library. This let them spends lots of time in searching for the book.

The Library Eco-system at National Insititute of Design

What does KMC Follow

KMC uses a concept called dewey decimal system, which is used to classify the book and arrange all the books based on the subjects assigned with a unique number.This allows students to access books from the appropriate location based on the shelves categroised as per the subjects

What are books classified

Librarian assigns a number based on the standard mention in the handbook of librarians. The format of number is categories into main class - a 3 digit numeral with the folowing numbers giving more details about the book.

Design Process

User Journey

User Journey was mapped to three stages pre-visit, in-library and post library experience. With a sample of set of 20 users including librarians and students.

Pre-Library Visit

In Library Experience

Post Libaray Experience


Some of the interaction features were inspired by these applications. Layar, Google Maps and Estimote beacons.

The solution

The final product was an AR application with the below feature. The proof of concept was build with the AR library Vuforia to envision the concept.